
We've Made It

It's been a while... My last post on here was in March I believe. I wrote a few blog posts in the meantime, but chose not to post them. I haven't looked back at my most recent post, but I highly doubt that it was any good. I felt tired of writing the repetitive VCE subject guides. Initially, this blog was meant to be more personalised and less mundane. I wanted to share stories of VCE day-to-day life, such as the struggles we have all experienced and offering some advice to upcoming students about the things that teachers and students just don't discuss. However, I think I allowed my insecurity to get the better of me. I thought no one would care about these things and would find it more useful if I just rewrote notes and study tips. As a writer for an audience, it is difficult to create a balance of writing what you want and what others want. I'm glad if my posts were of any assistance to anyone and I did truly enjoy writing for this blog, with my posts about Distance ...

Business Management - Unit Three, Area of Study One - Summary and Guide

First post of 2020 and zombie Hazel VCE blog has been resurrected! I decided to have a little break from posting over the Christmas break because I was a little burnt out, but I'm back now! I have been working on other blog posts slowly for the past couple of months though, so those should be released shortly. Anyway, the very first one is a summary for the first area of study for unit three business management! If you undertook the first two units of business management, you are probably familiar with most of these concepts. There isn't really a focus on one specific area of business like human resources in the second area of study, it's generally just an overview of businesses.  Types of Businesses          Sole Traders            Partnerships            Companies (Private and public)           Government Business Enterprises        ...

Health and Human Development - Unit Two, Area of Study Two: Health Care in Australia - Summary

I definitely  would understand if people found this area of study boring, especially if you selected the subject because you were interested in learning about what makes people 'healthy'. However, I really enjoyed it. So much so that it was probably my favourite area of study. I don't know if many are going to agree with me on this, but it kind of reminded me of Legal Studies. However, parts of it did feel very much like Health and Human Development, so don't worry if you have yet to undertake this area of study! Anyway, this area of study is predominantly about the health care system in Australia -- including the public and private health system. As always, I suggest taking a look at the study design which you can find here . This area of study is on page 14.  Let's get into the content! Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Medicare is Australia's universal health insurance, which is subsidised by the federal government. The...