We've Made It
It's been a while... My last post on here was in March I believe. I wrote a few blog posts in the meantime, but chose not to post them. I haven't looked back at my most recent post, but I highly doubt that it was any good. I felt tired of writing the repetitive VCE subject guides. Initially, this blog was meant to be more personalised and less mundane. I wanted to share stories of VCE day-to-day life, such as the struggles we have all experienced and offering some advice to upcoming students about the things that teachers and students just don't discuss. However, I think I allowed my insecurity to get the better of me. I thought no one would care about these things and would find it more useful if I just rewrote notes and study tips. As a writer for an audience, it is difficult to create a balance of writing what you want and what others want. I'm glad if my posts were of any assistance to anyone and I did truly enjoy writing for this blog, with my posts about Distance ...